Viewa Configure

Translate customizable products for homes and gardens into vibrant, lifelike 3D models.

Viewa Configure iFrame
++Interactive 3D Products++

Any product,
every detail

Worlds apart from browsing still photos, Viewa Configure lets your buyers view and customize products in full 360 - trying on colors, fabtrics, textures and features as they go.

  • Interactive 360 product displays
  • Web and camera based 3D technology
  • Dynamic material and product switching
  • Easy integration into any website

All Viewa technologies are accompanied with sophisticated analytics. Harvest data to track trends, forecast stock and sell more of what sells.

Configure Basil Bangs Umbrella
Forest Block
Forest Block
Stainless Steel

Supercharge shopper engagement

Build buyer confidence

Make configurable orders easy

++Visualization for Any Product++

Choose Viewa Configure if you...

Have large or tactile products that sell best when people can see them.

Have complex or highly customizable products.

Want customers to better understand their options.

Explore Viewa Augment if you...

Want to project your 3D models into customers' homes and gardens.

Want to give customers a more realistic idea of scale.

Tend to sell easily in-store but are struggling to close deals online.

Configure in action
“Our challenge was finding the right software to display our spa range in the best possible manner. Not only could Viewa create and embed high quality 3D spa models, but it allowed our customers to virtually place the spa in their homes and make interactive choices such as the shell type and cabinet colors. As Viewa is web-based, it was very easy to integrate and they've been great to work with — I have no hesitation referring them as best-of-breed.”
Roy Wong
National Manager
Beta Wellness
++Contact Viewa++

Request a free, no-obligation demo and discussion

See how Viewa can create immediate yes moments for your customers. Book a session at a time that suits you, send us a message, or give us a call.

Call +61 3 4321 2701